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Welcome to Boarding at St. John's

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St. John’s Academy offers a boarding experience which is aimed at preparing students to become the best versions of themselves. Our main goal in the dorms is to show these students how to be good citizens of the world. We offer character education that focuses on consideration, accountability, developing a strong work ethic, integrity and perseverance. The academic programs at SJA are challenging, and the dorm staff strives to help with organization, study habits and taking responsibility for your own learning. Each weekend, there is a trip off campus, but the students also have a lot of choice with their free time. The dorm schedule allows for students to learn how to prioritize and how to make good decisions. The St. John’s Academy dorms offer a place for students to learn, grow and make lifelong friendships.

Tim & Katie,

Dorm Coordinators

"We acknowledge with respect our presence on the traditional territories of the Coast Salish Peoples, in particular, Quw'utsun Tribes and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) Nation. We are grateful to live and learn in beautiful Quw'utsun Valley and the village of Showe'luqun, which is the unceded and ancestral territory of the Hul'q'umi'num and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples."

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Tel: 250-220-4888



2371 Shawnigan Lake Road

Shawingan Lake, BC, V8H 2H1

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